Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if my heat doesn’t come on?

1.Check the thermostat. It must be set higher than the actual room temperature by 3-degrees F.

2.Check the main electric burner emergency switch to make sure that the power is in the ON position. The switch (usually red) is usually at the top of the basement stairway or on the heating unit.

3.Check the breaker panel to make sure a circuit hasn’t blown.

4.Check the fuel oil gauge level. You may have run out of fuel.

5.If you are not out of fuel push the reset button (usually a red button) on the burner or on the smoke stack control ONE TIME ONLY. If the burner still does not run or fails to keep running, call us for service.

I am not on automatic delivery.  When should I order more fuel?

Make sure you order more fuel before you have less than 1/8 of a tank.  In an emergency, you can put a few gallons of diesel or kerosene into the tank.  Make sure that the container that you use has NEVER had gasoline in it.

Is my tank up to code?

As of August 15, 2017 new certification standards and procedures for fuel tank inspections and installation are being implemented by the state of Vermont.

Please visit for more information.

If my tank isn’t up to code, is there help for me?

Tank rebate

Financial assistance application for replacement tank